Bitten : The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons by Kristen Newby


Well-Known Member
If you have not ordered your copy of this book, I would highly recommend that you do so. It is a profound read that journeys into a dark and secret world that most Americans have chosen not to think about or know about. A world that has been unacknowledged by medical professionals and government agencies. A world that parallels the illness, the frustration, the loss of life that all of us diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome have experienced.

One important point is that it appears that the infectious Borrelia bacterium was intentionally manipulated with a virus to alter its surface antigens, making detection and diagnosis difficult or impossible.

I think we all need to ask : What really happened in Incline Village in the mid 1980s? Let us hope that someone who knows, steps forward to tell us. May All that is Good and Strong and Beautiful be with those who seek the Truth.


Well-Known Member
Comment : I developed CFS following an injury in 1998. But in 2010, in Virginia, I had a tick bite, followed by a rash and swollen eye. My infectious disease doc here in L.A. did initial Lyme screening, which was negative. I did not appreciate that early Lyme antibody tests may be negative, and neither did he.

In 2017 I saw a naturopath for new symptoms, declining health, intermittent fever, blood pressure/ heart issues, increased fatigue, and more. He asked if I had ever been bitten by a tick. Yes! He ordered The 2 tiered Lyme test with Lab Corp, which was strongly positive, positive by CDC guidelines.

Returned to my infectious disease doc. He did a PCR test looking for the actual DNA of Borrelia. Negative. Case closed. But the CDC ‘s Christine Nelson comments that the Borrelia bacteria burrow deep into connective tissue ( and nervous tissue?) and PCR will be negative soon after infection, and is therefore not reliable.

In addition, it appears that one tick may carry ( by design) multiple infective organisms. So, we can appreciate the complex nature of this tick issue. And biowarfare development did not just focus on ticks. There were multiple insects, viruses, and bacteria involved.


Well-Known Member
More: from Bitten ( page 193) : Comment concerning the outbreak of multiple, rare, tick-borne illnesses on Long Island, Lyme, Connecticut and environs circa 1976, “ The government entity with access to all the outbreak information ( that is, the big picture) was the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the very organization tasked with protecting us from unnatural epidemics. But researchers there were strangely silent.”


Well-Known Member
Remembered reading this.

I have Lyme and coinfection issues too.
Yes, the congressman from New Jersey read this book, Bitten, and I understand that is what inspired him to petition the Pentagon. Sadly, I am not sure we will ever know the truth. Issie , so sorry you are also in this group. I see my infectious disease doc tomorrow. I will see what he says.

Issie, have you tried treatment for Lyme and coinfections?


Well-Known Member
Yes was in treatment with Dr. FRY for years and then with Dr. Jennifer Smith when we were treating CIRS. Doing CIRS treatment seemed more beneficial but it also incorporated Lyme treatments. Dr. FRY also found a type fungus that he at first thought was a protozoa and we treated that. That was a big help too. Its all ongoing and probably will be for life.


Well-Known Member
Just read a good article about this.

Is Lyme Disease the Result of a Biological Warfare Experiment Gone Wrong - Jill Carnahan, MD
Issie, not much progress here. I have 5 specific IgG bands on my Western Blot, ie CDC positive, done by a Lab Corp. Yet my doc wants to repeat the test. Do I think it is possible that Borrelia burgdorferi was manipulated for biowarfare purposes? Very possible. There is evidence. Read Bitten.


Well-Known Member
I have found herbals to be much more effective than antibiotics. Though I've done both. Especially if it has been awhile and you are just finding out. I found out 8 years after being bitten that it was tick related.


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This is interesting on retrovirus. The Mikovits interviews interesting. (Lot of controversy surrounds her though.) But my sis and I and a male friend, had a bad reaction to a vaccine when very young and it seems it could fit for us. We were all so sick. We couldn't raise our heads up from our pillow and had to be carried.


Active Member
Hi Issie and Merida,

I'm new here. Would like to know how you're both doing now? It's been about 3 years since this post.

I do have a friend that was diagnosed with Lyme, but she feels certain it was caused by a vaccine. She spent $100K for treatment and fully recovered, though she credits a lot of her recovery to prayer.

Have you heard anything about Lyme being intentionally or even accidentally in vaccines?

For me, I never pushed my doc to test for Lyme since I did not think there were reliable tests yet? But interestingly, I just did Darkfield Microscopy Live Blood Analysis and the technician saw something hiding in a red blood cell which he thought is how Lyme bacteria looked. I might've dismissed it because I know I've never been bitten by a tick (never had the bullseye-looking bite), but this technician had Lyme himself and was recovering, so I would think he'd know what it looked like. So if I truly had Lyme, I would have to think it came from my vaccines which really did harm my life, not from a tick.

As for Dr. Judy Mikovitz... Disregard everything the propaganda media tells us, use a free speech browser, and hopefully you've had or will be able to see further interviews she's been doing. She is a hero, and one of the last honest, brave scientists/virologists we have left. Because of her honesty and her commitment to humanity, she is a threat to the corrupt establishment. She does believe they've tried to kill her before. Now, they just shame her name all over the place to get patients and doctors not to listen to her. Unfortunately, many doctors bought into the propaganda, including a friend of mine who is no longer my friend. They've also retracted her ground-breaking research, as they do a lot of great research, or they simply ignore or cover it up. It is a shame that many people don't realize the evil out there. Thank you, Merida, for bringing this up.


Well-Known Member
Hi LA2SD ! I am months behind. Hard to sit long at my computer. I have not heard anything about Lyme being in vaccines - too risky for the bad guys as someone would detect it I think. I have not made much progress. I have some crazy dysautonomia ( dx by neurosurgeon) that went into full swing after the tick bite. Main problem is erratic blood pressure. Never had that til after tick bite. I used to have strange low grade fevers - not so much anymore. But I have very hot 'spells' with flushing - just some little stressor sets me off. Never had that prior to tick bite - even years after initial injury.

I would love to do a complete Lyme treatment. But my pain meds were switched to meds with tylenol and now I have liver inflammation ! Geez. And no one wants to switch me back to the old meds despite my careful use for many years.

As we have seen with Covid, there are evil people in this World who have no qualms about other human beings. I am in the San Fernando Valley ( L.A.) for over 40 years. We ocasionally had a few mosquitos in the early spring after a wet winter. Then, done - hot dry summer, no more bugs. My husband and I used to sit out daily in late afternoon during much of the year. No mosquitos at all. Then, the week of Sept. 30, 2019, I noticed swarms of tiny, silent mosquitos around my husbands arms and legs. Caught some.
( old biologist here). Shocked to see they were Aedes - both albopictus and aegypti. They carry every bad tropical disease you can think of. Funny - no mosquitos. then swarms. Checked with neighbors - same. Friends 5 - 8 miles away - same. Suddenly no one could sit outside !!!

So I called vector control. They patched me through to the guy in charge. He tried to convince me that these mosquitos gradually spread from El Monte where they were introduced in imported bamboo plants.
Well, I just wasn't buying that - no mosquitos, then hundreds, thousands, millions in the Valley. So I wrote to a Dr. Engdahl - expert on this stuff. Yeah, he agreed with me. Looks like someone dumped millions here in the Valley. Plus, the mosquito behavior was different - breed in doors in the dogs water dish ! Found several hovering around sink drains !!! They can breed in a sponge or potted plant !!! Their eggs can dry out for a year or so, then hatch when water is added. Come February, 2019, there were still active mosquitos by the door in freezing weather !!!

So now they are established. So tiny that you can not see them or hear them. When trying to swat the things, they automatically drop - out of sight.

Mikovitz - yeah - I knew she was telling the truth all along. A brave wonderful person.
Anyway, nice to meet you. Sorry it took so long. Not on this site much anymore - but a great place to meet and talk with others. We are in one Hell of a battle. Read about what happened with chickens that were vaccinated with a leaky vaccine for Marek's disease - 1970s. Ten years down the road the leaky vaccine had pushed the viral evolution so that every unvaxed chicken died when exposed. Wow.
You must also have a high level of intuitiveness. May All that is Good and Strong and Beautiful be with us.


Well-Known Member
One more important comment : You know about ivermectin and hydroxychlorine ? The first med probably saved my lIfe when I got Covid in Jan. 2022. Amazing, quick recovery ( after dose 2) after my oxygen sat dropped to 89%. No long Covid. No second infection despite 5 plane flights last year !!!! Natural immunity. I see that ivermectin has been investigated for Lyme treatment. It is a very safe drug - as is HCQ. Hmmm.

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