Heart Issues

In the course of trying to determine the reason for my increased fatigue and shortness of breath, my doctor found that I have both mitral and tricuspid valve regurgitation. I have had ME/CFS for over 20 years and I am wondering if this is a common occurrence as a result?

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I don't know specifically what and why but I think lots of people have heart issues.

Dr Cheney also believes we do. I think he believes, or used to believe that the viruses protect us from cardiomyopathy.


Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
In the course of trying to determine the reason for my increased fatigue and shortness of breath, my doctor found that I have both mitral and tricuspid valve regurgitation. I have had ME/CFS for over 20 years and I am wondering if this is a common occurrence as a result?
Cheney believes problems with filling are endemic. I don't if he's found what you're having. I don't think he has...Is there anything they can do for it and if they did did it help with your ME/CFS?


Well-Known Member
Its true for many of us with POTS. We also have what we refer to as air hunger. Ive found if I'm having a mast cell flare it is worse. Most of us have found sleeping inclined and using antihistimines before bed helps us sleep better through the night. Mast cells love to degranulate at night. Seems we get an additional seratonin surge and that contributes to it.

thanks for the info Issie, I do suffer from POTS as well and Lupus....probably all these together don't help the heart:) Sleeping inclined and using antihistamines is something I will try....have a stress test Wednesday


Well-Known Member
For most of us POTS people, they think our hearts are fine. Hope they find that with you.
I have 3 valves w/ regurgitation. Heart Dr said no big deal. (Not for him) Did angiogram said ok. Did lots of other tests. Have several PACs some triples and slight tachycardia. Gave up trying to make him care. I guess you have to be surgical to matter.
What do you consider a mast cell flare? I flare in the fall and spring (worse in fall) but have no allergies. CFS doc suggested I get tested again but she also said no illnesses flare with change of seasons. It was not a good appointment.


Well-Known Member
Mast cells degranulation and cause allergies. There is no rhyme or reason for it - just over reaction with no true allergy. Many of us find foods that cause us a reaction. Some have them with strong emotion, getting over tired or heat or standing too long. There are some good forums dedicated to MCAS that can give you more info.


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