Poll The ME/CFS/FM Parking Pass Poll: Are you leery of getting one or using it if you have one?

The Invisible Disabilities Parking Pass Poll

  • I have a disabilities parking pass - I use it - no problem!

    Votes: 15 36.6%
  • I have a disabilities parking pass - I use it regularly - cringing a bit

    Votes: 10 24.4%
  • I have a disabilities parking pass: I use but there are times I don't use it when I know I should

    Votes: 4 9.8%
  • I have a disabilities parking pass biut I rarely use it - I'm worried people will think I'm faking

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I know a disabilities parking pass would help but I'm leery of getting one

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I don't have a disabled parking pass because I believe that they should only be for people with walkers, wheelchairs, or who require assistance getting in and out of an automobile.


Well-Known Member
I have had a parking pass for quite awhile now and wouldn't be without one. It can make the difference whether or not I go into a store. Once I make it into the store then hopefully an electric cart will be available. The only time I don't use the parking pass is if I am having a better than normal day. In the beginning I was kind of self-conscious about it........but don't feel like that anymore.


I am 24 now and started getting sick when I was a child with a big plummet in my health when I was 11. I was delayed in even learning to drive and sometimes am not able to for months at a time (housebound). So yes I got a parking sticker, and one that I can carry with me so when other people drive me I can still use it (ie: not the kind attached to my license plate). But as I'm so young I've had so much trouble both on planes and driving/parking with people thinking I'm faking. I always have to get a wheelchair to get through the airport and even on the plane sometimes and half the time I get rude questions even from the person hired by the airport to wheel me, then there's the passengers and flight attendants. And while driving I try not to keep my sticker up the whole time, just for parking, because I get these looks from other drivers and even pedestrians like 'you look fine to me'.
If there's a space that's equal in distance to the door as the handicap I'll use that instead. Thankfully I haven't had the note, but I've had the verbal equivalent along with the judge-y stares.

The only reason I can think why is because I'm young and look relatively/pretty healthy (if only sleep deprived, though the coloring around my eyelids from sleep deprivation for so many years to other people looks like makeup in sunset shades or so I've been told many times to which I reply it's sleep derivation by insomnia...great brand, real nice products and free too).
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More and more lately I've barely been able to drive period and doing shopping leads me to actually or nearly just leaving a full cart or basket of stuff because I have so beyond hit my limit of energy and pain that I'm positive I won't make it home safely, without fainting or collapsing from muscle shakiness and weakness


Well-Known Member
More and more lately I've barely been able to drive period and doing shopping leads me to actually or nearly just leaving a full cart or basket of stuff because I have so beyond hit my limit of energy and pain that I'm positive I won't make it home safely, without fainting or collapsing from muscle shakiness and weakness
I can't even count how many times I've left a cart full of stuff in the grocery store!


New Member
Getting registered was so hard, on ME alone, but someone from the "disability department " came and saw me at home struggling and showed me how to fill in the form. Basically it is filled in according to how one is able to manage, on ones worst days. I had not realised that. Still, with me it is the combination of knees that barely function from arthritis, and the fatigue combined which sealed it, and so with a couple of sticks with me, the visual judgement of me is covered.
In fact, when my muscles are totally weak, the sticks are still a good idea, and on that basis might help for anyone who has the ME on its own?


Well-Known Member
I fit another option: I don't have it and I use it :)
I don't even know how to get one. But I use the parking spot anyway.
Folk don't know about where you live - but the fines are steep here if you get caught in a space without a card.



Well-Known Member
Yes have one. Some days it is sooooo necessary. Other days, I don't use it. Depends on the day or minute and how hot it is in the summer of 120 F. Those days, I wouldn't make it into a store, much less do what I need to do there and get back to my car - without being close.

I started back driving over the last two years after not driving for over 2 years and being in a wheelchair. No more wheelchair or cane. Yayyyyy!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Folk don't know about where you live - but the fines are steep here if you get caught in a space without a card.

I live in Brazil Issie. I think theorically there's a fine here too... But I don't know how much of this applies to reallity.

You know
"To live outside the law you must be honest."


Well-Known Member
I just mean. We all simply deserve it... If you can get one or can use it without getting one just do it.
Even for someone with mild fibromyalgia, it's your right. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone just cause they can't see you in a wheel chair...
It's an illness that requires some level of better accomodation and deserves it.


Well-Known Member
I live in Brazil Issie. I think theorically there's a fine here too... But I don't know how much of this applies to reallity.

You know
"To live outside the law you must be honest."
Well you seem honest at least you admit to it. LOL just go get a card if you need it. Your pocketbook will appreciate it - later.



New Member
I use my pass. The hardest part for me was asking my doctor, who did not believe in FMS/CFS to approve it, and going to the DMV to pick it up. I hate standing in line at the DMV (sheer torture). Though now I think you can mail in a form to get it renewed. At least I hope so!
When at a mall (now only about once every couple years) or a big box store it's a god send. If I'm having a good day I don't use it but on a bad day I'm thrilled I can park closer.
I've had a pass for at least 10 years, and in all these years no-one has ever given me a hard time about it though I admit to having fake limped once or twice when I saw someone giving me the evil-eye while getting out of my car. ;-)

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